Star Wars Lands open in 2019

Disney finally announced today that Star Wars Land at BOTH Disneyland and Disneyworld will be opening in 2019. These Star Wars themed Lands are the biggest ever single-themed land expansions at Disneyland or Disneyworld. You can read about it over at the Disney Parks Blog.

I’m hopeful that they do as good of a job on the Star Wars Lands as they did with Cars Land – I LOVE Cars Land, they did an excellent job on Cars Land. It is one of my favorite Lands and one of the main reasons we have for going back to Disneyland over Disneyworld. (that and Disneyland is closer! ha!)

It also tells me that I will NOT plan a trip to Disneyland in 2019. It is already too busy at Disneyland. Can you imagine the crowds after Star Wars Land opens?!? It’ll be crazy! I’ll probably wait a year or so! I don’t think Disneyworld will be as bad crowd wise, because there is lots more to do at Disneyworld, the crowds never seem quite as terrible as Disneyland.

Are you excited about the new Star Wars Land? I know most of my family is!!